Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Women Sports Recognition

What exactly does a women's athletic team have to do to get national recognition? It is sad to say, but apparently physically hurt and be a total jerk to other women, during a game. Elizabeth Lambert of the New Mexico Women's Soccer team did just that. She was caught on tape elbowing a BYU player in the face, kicking a women while on the ground (with no attempt at the ball), and worst of all pulling a BYU forward down to the ground by her ponytail! What is wrong with this chick? We will find out eventually, she is seeing a psychologists for the hair pulling incident. She was recently suspended indefinitely from the New Mexico team. She had two separate quotes that I would like to mention. The first one is "I think the way the video came out, it did make me look like a monster. That's not the type of player I am, I'm not just out there trying to hurt players. That's taking away from the beauty of the game. And I would never want to do that." How else did she want to look, the video evidence doesn't lie, it was down right brutal! The second quote is "I am deeply and wholeheartedly regretful for my actions. My actions were uncalled for. I let my emotions get the best of me in a heated situation." She is sorry now that she got punished, but not during the game. Also, she created the "heated situation" she spoke of, no one during the game from BYU retailed. Is that what it takes to get national attention in the world of women's sports? I sincerely hope hot, but as of now, that's the way it looks and that is very sad.


  1. Unfortunately, it seems like it might be. For any sport, a fight is almost garaunteed to gain attention. It does seem that she is only sorry because she was suspened. I mean you can get caught up in the moment, but I doubt that the moment would last for an entire soccer game. Also, how hard do you have to pull on someone's ponytail to make them fall to the ground? Ouch!

  2. I have to say that her behavior looked a lot like some of the aggressiveness that we saw in the footage of football players. One difference was that soccer players do not have the same kind of protective padding. Pulling the one player down by her hair could have easily resulted in whiplash.

  3. Yeah I guess your last part is the part that sticks with me because I also hope she was not just trying to get on Sports Center. If she was then she probably took the best approach since everyone knows that the media is very negative and that they focus on issues such as this.
